Walther P99 AS 9mm pistol

Artikelnummer 2689421 Kategori Etikett

10 490 kr



Dependable operation, rapid fire capability and interesting safety features:
The WALTHER P99 AS is used by hundreds of thousands of police around the world.

Trigger system: double action and single action.
AS stands for the anti-stress trigger with double and single action. The extremely short reset path permits very rapid firing with a trigger weight of approx. 20 newtons.

Decocking lever for greater safety.
The P99 AS is equipped with a decocking lever for safe decocking of the striker. It serves as an automatic safety. Since it is integrated

Walther P99 AS 9mm pistol


Dependable operation, rapid fire capability and interesting safety features:
The WALTHER P99 AS is used by hundreds of thousands of police around the world.

Trigger system: double action and single action.
AS stands for the anti-stress trigger with double and single action. The extremely short reset path permits very rapid firing with a trigger weight of approx. 20 newtons.

Decocking lever for greater safety.
The P99 AS is equipped with a decocking lever for safe decocking of the striker. It serves as an automatic safety. Since it is integrated

10 490 kr


Artikelnummer 2689421 Kategori Etikett


Vikt 30 kg


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